What a great opportunity the participants of the International
Hahnemann Congress have to learn from the experiences of the
greatest homeopathic physicians in the world, and to discuss
these with them!
You will certainly receive good advice at this Congress, even pick up
some 'tricks', which can help you in your efforts and will hopefully stay
with you! Despite its long history, homeopathy has remained alive and
open to completely new methods. In order to communicate this I consider
nothing better than case reports. Our memory best remembers stories.
It would be even better - and that might well be planned already -
if the lectures were to be published in a book form at a later date. In
this way, also those, who cannot attend the Congress for health reason
(this is my case), can still learn something from it.
The reason is that one cannot use homeopathy like a cookbook. One
has to internalise the remedies so that, when faced with the choice of
three or four remedies in a case of disease, one can visualise the
remedy and compare it with others. It is a kind of intuition, but which is
based on intensive and continued learning.
So I welcome you all, with the fond wish, that the participants as well
as the 'teachers' may spend three wonderful days of learning and teaching
together, and that you may return with renewed vigour to your
work - the most interesting and most beautiful profession in the world -

Veronica Carstens