The IHC is organized by Claudia Klinkenberg of the
Homeopathy International Initiative. The organization
of the IHC is assisted by the German
Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhÄ).
Attendance at the IHC and the workshop is recommended
by the DZVhÄ, the Swiss Association of
Homoeopathic Physicians (SVHA), the Swiss
Medical Society for Homoeopathy (SAHP) and the
Austrian Society for Classical Homeopathy (ÄKH).
The IHC is endorsed by the German Physicians
Chamber, where the attendance is elligible for professional
training and development credits. Other
certifcates for Germany and abroad will be
provided on request.
The IHC is made possible by these friends:
Andreas Gärtner, Robert Goldmann, Klaus-
Henning Gypser, Ralf Jeutter, Anne Joop-Althorn,
Daniel Kaiser,Curt Kösters, Jochen Rohwer, André
Saine, Wolfgang Springer, Lars Broder Stange,
Karl-Wilhelm Steuernagel, Ralf Vigoureux,
Andreas Wegener, and Heike Westhoven.
Conference Office Homeopathy International:
Claudia Klinkenberg
Vordersteig 12
76275 Ettlingen, Germany
phone: +49-7243-33 29-703, fax: -701
email: claudia@hahnemann-congress.org
Roswitha Tuz
Weingartener Str. 70
76229 Karlsruhe, Germany
phone: +49-721-48 30 22
fax: +49-721-48 26 14
email: reg@hahnemann-congress.org
Suggestions for the round table
discussion on Sept. 29 th:
Dr. med. Carl Rudolf Klinkenberg
Sternengasse 12
76275 Ettlingen, Germany
email: c.klinkenberg@web.de
City of Ettlingen, Tourist-Information:
Mo.- Fr. 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Sa. 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.