





Thursday, September 27th, 15:00 - 15:30
The Methodology of C. M. Boger
Peter Minder

Cyrus Maxwell Boger has developed an alternative strategy of repertorization to those used by Boenninghausen and Kent, which is characterized by a compelling reduction to the essential and noteworthy insights into the issue of addressing miasmatic stress.
Based on the development of his repertories - from "Boenninghausens Characteristics and Repertory" to "A Synoptic Key to the Materia Medica" and "General Analysis" - this lecture outlines the development stages of his strategy. Dr. Minder provides a practical introduction into the methodology.

Friday, September 28th, 09:25 - 10:00
The practical application of C. M. Boger's methodology
Part two of Dr. Minder's lecture, with cases.


Dr. med. Peter Minder (Switzerland) is a general practitioner running his own practice in Binningen near Basle since 1985. He is president of the Swiss Society of Homepathic Physicians (SAHP). In his teaching he emphasizes the  methods of Bönninghausen and Boger. He is the co-editor of a punch cards collection based on Bönninghausen’s revised Therapeutic Pocketbook, author of an omnibus index of Hahnemann’s works (published by the Haug Verlag, Stuttgart, in 2002). He is currently collaborating on the Materia Medica Evaluation Project of the Glees Academy of Homeopathic Physicians

0 Erfahrungen mit der Lochkartei nach Bönninghausens revidierten Taschenbuch
Gedanken zum 250. Geburtstag Samuel Hahnemanns