





Saturday, September 29th, 14:30 - 15:45
Improving prescription efficiency with repertory-specific checklists and polarity analysis - a practical introduction.
Heiner Frei

The Berne ADS/ADHS Double-Blind Study exposed homeopathy to a thorough test. Due to high standards in treatment precision, an optimization of remedy choice emerged which, in a subsequent step, was transferred to the therapy of other conditions. The optimization included the introduction of polarity analysis as well as the identification of reliable symptoms, which were incorporated into repertory-specific checklists and questionnaires, that took into account the experience gathered in ADS therapy.
The lecture will discuss polarity analysis, criteria for developing checklists and questionnaires, and outline the results of the evaluation period. Based on a case of humero-scapular periarteritis and a case of infantile epilepsy (West syndrome), Dr. Frei will illustrate the methodology and the practical approaches for acute and chronic diseases.

Dr. med. Heiner Frei (Switzerland), is a pediatric consultant, who had served many years as senior physician at the Bern University Children’s Hospital, before concentrating in 1987 on his large pediatric practice.
Dr. Frei is widely known for his research publications on methodology and case analysis according to Bönninghausen. Yet, above all he is a highly distinguished specialist coping with the difficulties of ADS treatment. From 2001 to 2005 he conducted the Berne ADS/ADHS Double-Blind Study, that implemented the Bönninghausen method. The study, which was consistent with strict standards of conventional medicine, was considered a feat of some sort among many non-homeopathic physicians, as it demonstrated significantly the efficiency of homeopathy as a scientifically founded method. Based on his findings, Dr. Frei published a book on the homeopathic treatment of children with ADS/ADHS in 2005 (“Die homöopathische Behandlung von Kindern mit ADS/ADHS”).

0 Wissenschaftliche Evidenz für die Wirkung homöopathischer Arzneimittel bei ADS-Patienten
Homöopathische Behandlung von hyperaktiven Kindern