Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the International Hahnemann Congress!
The International Hahnemann Congress (IHC) has a worldwide unique focus. Its mission is to advance the scientific development of homeopathy on the basis of its founding principles.
Homeopathy at the most advanced state of the art
Nine internationally renouwned specialists will present current issues from their fields of specialization. Their lectures are of specific relevance for our practice. They will give us concise and clear-cut introductions to new methodological approaches which are derived from clinical evidence, rather than merely theoretical assumptions.
Practicing successfully!
The IHC continues a great tradition of 200 years of measurable achievements. Hahnemann, Bönninghausen, Lippe, Boger, et al. worked different from what many believe to know today. In terms of success they continue to surpass significantly many instructors of today who believe to improve homeopathy, while leaving aside fundamental principles of their art and falling far behind the achievements of the early practitioners. The high esteem in which these genuine masters are held is founded on their well documented persistent success in healing. They have made homeopathy what it is today: the most effective form of medicine of our time!
Their modern followers clearly demonstrate that a homeopathical practice observing certain well-defined basic principles yields excellent results. Firmly rooted in solid foundations, these followers are committed to the advancement of homeopathic methodology.
We can all follow their example!
“Repeat the experiments, repeat them carefully and accurately, and you will find the doctrine confirmed at every single step.“ Samuel Hahnemann, MMP, Vol. 2, p. 2.
Ample opportunities for active participation and a lively exchange of experience
The lecturers will be our co-participants at the whole conference. In addition, two special sessions will be held at the congress to discuss in a talkative atmosphere questions from the audience as well as a final round table discussion with all lecturers on the issues and topics you will have submitted.
Dear colleagues, the International Hahnemann Congress will inspire our own practice and foster our competence!
I look forward to seeing you all!
Yours sincerely,

Dr. med. Carl Rudolf Klinkenberg
President des IHC